How do Keywords work?

Each client chooses a unique keyword relevant to their organization. Some businesses keep the keyword private, while others use it as a tool to empower their followers to market their message for them. Anyone you give the keyword to can quickly load your logos into the LogoZapp app on their phone. This can be a powerful mass-marketing tool for national organizations, events organizers and small businesses alike.

What are share links?

Each business receives a personalized link to share their app with anyone they choose. Great for websites, social media posts, marketing campaigns, etc.

logozapp.us/pizza, logozapp.us/auto-mall, logozapp.us/crossfit, logozapp.us/hisd

What's the best size and format for logos?

File size for each logo should be under 2MBs. Dimensions should be a max of 1342 x 1342 pixels. With some exceptions, a png file with transparency works best. But you can use jpg files too. At this time, we don't support animated images (like gifs).

How many logos can I add to each photo?

As many as you want. Think of your photo in layers. The first logo is married to your photo, then you can choose a second a logo and a third, and so on and so on.

What size are the photos created in LogoZapp?

All photos are 1242 pixels square.

How does the money back guarantee work?

LogoZapp offers a 7-day, no-risk money-back guarantee. No pressure, no tricks. We want you to be happy with your purchase.

How can I earn money from my LogoZapp?

As a LogoZapp customer, you are automatically enrolled in our referral program. We give you a discount code and a simple link to share online, in social media, anywhere you like. Every time someone purchases LogoZapp using your link or your discount code you earn $25.

And anyone using LogoZapp with your keyword who purchases from inside the app is locked in as your referral - you'll get $25 if they purchase too. This can add up quickly if you do any mass marketing or share your keyword with many others.

We also offer a dedicated Reseller Program for sales professionals.

Why do I need different logins for managing account info and logos?

This feature gives you the option to allow an employee or outside marketing agency the ability to manage your logos without having access to sensitive account and payment information.